Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, we are what we eat.
Our human body grows just the same as a young seedling or a mature tree. It requires food and water to receive nutrients in order for its growth, maintenance and longevity.
Imagine if you accidentally fill your diesel car with petrol!
So, what kind of fuel do you wish for your body, your vehicle, to run on?
It doesn't matter which diet you fall under. Be it vegetarian, pescatarian or meat eater. What matters is the healthy aspect of that diet which is essential for the well being of our body, mind and spirit.
Here at Sacred Road we strongly believe and recommend fresh, prana giving foods. Foods that are full of life and vitality, which will ultimately be transferred into your own body.
Notice how an apple or a tomato stays colorful and ripe for a few days rather than going off straight away. Energetically, this apple or tomato is containing within itself life energy.
Whichever diet you are on, try to add more fruits and vegetables. Easy as it sounds, it is sometimes not so easy. The best things in life, the things which will benefit us wholly, are sometimes things that we have the most aversion to.
Add a banana to your breakfast
Eat an apple before you start your lunch
Enjoy a raw salad to complement your dinner
Wanting to be healthy is the first step! To feel clean, charged with natural vitality is our human right.
Do yourself a favor and eat healthy.
You are what you eat.